Friday, May 24, 2019

Can We Adapt/Change to Keep up with Planet Changes??!

Our world is changing.
Did you see where a huge fissure is splitting Africa and so part will be drifting away? Remember how we were all one continent before EQs etc split us into what we have now? Our continents are "mobile" so can/will continue drifting as the earth changes.
How wow is that?!!
For the US there is an old Navy map and a new Navy map. Both are well worth studying and cross referencing. In comparing these with IMHO a well researched article on the effects of plate shifting I feel 100% confident with their accuracy.
From there check out the flood maps Thor News produces on YouTube. How are the flooding rivers so consistently concentrated in the new ocean in the middle of the US as seen on the Navy maps?!?!!!?
 Do you live in those areas? What is your plan for the next big overdue 9.0+ EQ at the New Madrid fault?? That EQ is supposed to trigger major changes.
How do you see that all playing out? In looking at that last huge EQ at that site I can say it was a violent EQ in a fairly unpopulated area. The Mississippi ran backwards and changed it's course! As the majority of Illinois and some of Indiana is sitting on limestone, which disintegrates over time to sand, this next Huge New Madrid EQ will in effect finish off the process thereby causing that entire area to become one massive spontaneous sinkhole. Instantly the ocean will rush up from the Gulf of Mexico and Lake Michigan will rush down. A new ocean will be formed. The US will become two (2) continents. Countless lives lives lost in split seconds. Absolutely nowhere to run for safety. Nowhere. If you're there you're dead. I really did sit in Joliet and try to figure out how we could buy a boat and live there . . but it just seems to me that a boat would be tossed, flipped, swallowed up. . . it wouldn't have a chance.
Why isn't our government preparing to move those people? We could make a swap~ turn the area to become sea back over to nature and move all those people to the National Parks out west. Yes, this is huge and radical. So is the coming 50+ years overdue 9.0+ EQ at the New Madrid!! It would be a huge prospect to build so many new homes, relocate major corporations and relocate huge numbers of people and wildlife.
It would both save lives and create such a huge bumper crop of jobs as to completely change the economy!!
Add to all this the sea level rise, which, for now, is worrisome. I say "for now" because this is a cycle and the ice caps will refreeze eventually.
As sea level rises, are people/cities/governments inland ready to evacuate shorelines as needed? Rather I see governments trying to find ways to keep out the inevitably rising waters. Hasn't Hurricane Katrina proven you cannot barricade out the sea??! IMHO this is simply putting lives at risk . . especially since the risk of hurricanes to areas like New York City seem to be rising.

I am way more aware of changes in the US as I live there~ please check out info for your own area so you can also prepare! 

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