Wednesday, April 3, 2019

🍶Water Gallon Challenge vs Fluid Gallon Challenge ☕🥛🍹

Yes, it's important 
We each critically need a certain amount of water to stay optimally healthy. 
I won't argue that 
However . . 
For many of us, myself included, a gallon in and of itself is more fluid than we normally consume in an entire day! 
So trying to still sip our truly beloved coffee ☕ seriously cuts into that gallon of water. 
What if we compromised? 
What if we did a 
"Fluid Gallon Challenge"?? 

I propose we simply count the total fluids we consume each day 
I am thinking I'll write mine down so that I have a visual hard copy tally to look back on 
This way I can see not only how many total ounces I'm drinking 
{Need 128oz/day} 
I can also see where those ounce are coming from

How many are actually water 
Tap 😝
Bottled 🤔 
Rain 😊  
How many are other options 
Soda ☣️ 
Coffee ☕ 
Milk 🥛 
Juice 🍹  

This, rather than force-feeding myself water, will give me a clearer picture of my real fluid intake, it's impact on my health and any changes I'd like to make
Rather than a fad challenge 
This becomes a personal journey to better health 

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?