Monday, April 1, 2019

🎉Joy Dare 🤗 March 19-31, 2019🎊

🐇19th~ 3 gifts eaten ..
🥛sweet tea

🐇20th~ 3 gifts that made you laugh. .
👴🏾fun client
👨chatting with Matt
🙏prayers answered

🐇21st~ a gift salty, sweet, just right . .
👵 caramel yogurt from Mom
☕fresh hot coffee
🌃evening at home

🐇22nd~ 3 gifts found in His word . .
📖life lessons
📖His rules

🐇23rd~ 3 gifts found in women today ..
📖well read

🐇24th~ 3 gifts spoken . .
👨soft voices of 3 polite young men
👨hearing their plans/hopes
👨soft evening chat with Matt

🐇25th~ a gift sung, written, painted  . .
🎶"Thy will be done . ."
🚃bright future

🐇26th~ 3 gifts almost gone . .
🏢time there/lessons learned
👩‍🎓time till I go back to school
⏳time for getting right with God

🐇27th~ 3 gifts redeemed ..
😣my bad attitude for His loving attitude 😊
🚃blessings for obedience
🙌hooe for fear🤔

🐇28th~ 3 gifts entwined .  .
✝️trusting Him
📖His promises

🐇29th~ 3 gifts of His promises . .
📖 safety

🐇30th~ 3 gifts uncovered .  . .
😊 trust
🌱new Avon client

🐇31st~ a gift heard, held, hoped for . .
🗨️her answers
🤗His plan
🍹new patron

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?