Monday, March 18, 2019

Joy Dare March 8-18, 2019

8th~ 3 gifts loud ..
      🍀 laughter

9th~ 3 gifts carved .. .

10th~ 3 gifts in Christ . .
              😊agape love

11th~ 3 gifts read . .
            💏Love Dare

12th~ a gift in wind, in water, in white . .
           🍃spring in the air
         🚿sins washed clean

13th~ 3 gifts round . . .
           ☕dainty tea cup
          👀big eyes
         💍hope in the eternity of the commitment

14th~ 3 gifts found in silence.. .
           🕊️renewed peace
          💭clear thoughts
         🤗need a hug

15th~ 3 gifts given away. . 
              👫my love for him
16th~ 3 hard eucharisteo. . 
         🏢away from home
        👨Matt at a sleepover

17th~ a gift turned, folded, hung. .
         👀eyes towards heaven
         📖His plan on my heart

18th~ 3 gifts red. . .
       👂ear infection
      💵account error
        🍹cranberry juice 

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?