Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Joy Dare December 31, 2018- January 6, 2019

31st~ 3 gifts anticipated . . 
      🌄 Shining new year
        🕯️ Prayer time
           💞 His promises

1st~ 3 gifts heard . .
         👵 Client's chatter
            📝 New plan
              📕 D&D books are affordable

2nd~ a gift outside, inside, on a plate . .
          🌄 Sunny day
           👵 Fun clients 👴
3rd~ 3 graces you overheard . . 
        ❣️ His answers
          👵 Client's hopes
            👨 Son's dreams

4th~ a gift old, new, blue.  .
         👵 Time with Mom
           👩 Matt's girlfriend
            ⛵ Ocean calling me

5th~ something you're reading, making, seeing . .
        📕 "Love Dare"
         🛏️ Quilt
           ❣️ God's plan for my future

6th~ one thing in your bag, your fridge, your heart .. 
        📕 "Love Dare"
          🧀 Cheese
            💞 His love for the lost

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?