Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Guiding our Hearts

KJVA Bible. 1 Corinthians 13:13
[13]And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.

Charity (or love) needs to begin at home. How we treat our spouse and children when no one is watching speaks volumes.
And if we are deficient in this area we can always improve.
Maybe we are (as I did) putting our children before our spouse. This can be easily changed.
When I realized the mistakes I was making raising my kids I bought the book,  "Have a New Kid by Friday" . This book changed our home life for the better. And. . . . watching the kids' reactions to the new rules was priceless!!!!!
To love them meant that I needed to quit giving in and become a real parent . . not a brick wall parent ..  not a jelly fish parent . .
I became a backbone parent. And life was better.
Love . . Do we love our family enough to change ourselves? Our outlook? Our priorities?
Can we work at becoming a better spouse? Parent? Son/daughter? Sibling? Employee?
It's really up to each of us what we allow our hearts to do, where they wander. We need to guard and guide our hearts in order to sustain our families.

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?