Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Yes, I've been quiet lately . .

Yes, I've been quiet lately . . honestly, I was down with a weird sinus thing (I think it was trying to melt my brain!!) . . then something happened . . sometimes God puts certain events in our lives to teach us and this event did just that! It taught me to sit back . . be very quiet publicly . . pray fervently . . I have kept to myself . . but have kept closer to God. I have prayed . . not more  . . but more profitably. I have laid out my heart before the Lord but have included almost no one else in hearing my pleas.  . .
Because of these changes my days have been so much more peaceful . . and I've found a new contentment in where I am as well as a closeness to the Holy Spirit as never before.  . . that long deep sad feeling of loneliness and longing for a close girlfriend has completely disappeared! I am so thankful for that!! 🙌
Slowly He is revealing things to me and shoring up my battered heart with renewed hope. He is loving me as I am . . encouraging me to be me .  .  building my future on my strengths . . working with me on my weaknesses.
Yes, I've been quiet these last two (2) weeks . . I've also been ultra-blessed!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?