Saturday, October 27, 2018

📖Joy Dare 💖 October 15-21, 2018🐚

15th~ 3 gifts re-read . .

📝 care notes

📖 Bible

16th~ 3 gifts burning . .

📖 passion to serve Him

💔 past

🙏 hope for future He's planned


17th~ 3 gifts ugly-beautiful. .

💙 letting go

💜 knowing

🔥 heat turned on in apartment


18th~ a gift shared, saved, surrendered . .

💜 concern

💖 His place in my heart

📖 control


19th~ 3 gifts unexpected..

⏰ reprieve

👦 kind words

🏢 pleasant visit


20th~ 3 gifts unconventional. .

😽 early morning snuggles

📚 planning

🐚 little buddies


21st~ 3 gifts undervalued. .

👩 role of a mom

💖 miracle of His love

🏢 apartment life

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?