Friday, October 26, 2018

Bible Study Plan

Hi! Welcome back! So here I sit looking through most of my Bible study books and thinking I may want to post these a different way. Lately I've been only posting the verses and what God showed through these. I am thinking I want to share, when applicable, which Bible study book/resource led me to those verses. You will see that I am in 'several' (what's the quantitative definition of 'several'??) different books as well as many Christian YouTube sites . . my study is not thoroughly random though. I am led by the Holy Spirit as to which one I need at any given moment. So, as I sit here pulling together a 'couple' books to take to work tomorrow.  . . and I am wondering where I put my copy of 'The Resolution for Women"  . .? Hmm . . that study is quieting . . humbling . . very good for a soul overloaded/overwhelmed ..  must locate that book!! There are also more books I barely started and need to get back to, but these are both super intense and need to be done singly and when I have time to seriously concentrate/focus. Even then I will probably still reread each chapter at least twice.
How do you organize/handle your Bible studies?

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?