Thursday, May 19, 2016

Bronco Mendenhall and family are currently living in an RV

This just goes to show that really cool forward thinking people understand the fun and adventure of living in an RV!
As in their situation I have no idea how to hook up the hot water so we are still showering at out house. And, honestly, why would I pay to run hot water heaters in both places??! Once I have the house sold I will refill the propane tanks and find a YouTube video on how to hook it up and running the water heater and water pump.
The RV life, as a choice, is fun. We feel a bit like adventurers in the wilderness (doesn't hurt we're currently parked in the woods!!). As we fall asleep to noises of bullfrogs and coyotes we talk about what it must have been like to fall asleep hearing those same things from a covered wagon.
This adventure has been very educational, showing us all we are capable of accomplishing when we put our minds to it. The comparably easy life in a house never gave us all these skills.

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?