Saturday, March 26, 2016

De-Clutter ~ 500 Things in 14 Days. . .

Hello there!!
How are you doing with this challenge?
Still sorting and eliminating clutter?
Over the last few days we have sorted out more to throw away and donate . .
Tonight, at the laundromat, I threw away more excess . . .
So many items had been used long past their actual usefulness!!

Then, outside the laundromat, I ran into a sweet man who pops into the laundromat to watch TV . .
He had his grocery cart with a few empty black trash bags in it . . .
Quietly I led him to our trunk and blessed him with as many empty aluminum cans as he was willing to accept. . . .
He wouldn't take all the cans (he really wanted to get inside to watch TV) . . .
It was heartwarming to hear him singing as he helped me pull cans out of my trunk . .

Between what we eliminated at the house . . .
Old clothes and bedding I threw away at the laundromat . . .
And all those cans . . .

We added 214 additional items to our tally!!
2189+214=2403 items eliminated . . .
So far!!!
And we're still not done!!
Stay tuned!!!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?