Thursday, January 28, 2016

De-Clutter~ 500 Things in 14 Days . . .

      Hey there!! How are you doing with this challenge? Has it been a struggle or getting easier each day?
   For me the sorting has been easy, but finding time and, more difficult, energy to attack random corners of our homestead has been a challenge. I will say that, when I do find I have extra energy to do this, it is a liberating process. I am still repurposing many things, but am also finding plenty to eliminate.
Last night, after work, I gave two (2) hours to laundry, cooking supper and cleaning/de-cluttering~ I eliminated an additional six (6) items!! Not bad for an ADHD caffeine-generated moment, don't you think?!! And, as we have fun learning to live cheaply, I did some of my cleaning by candlelight  . . . . .


       Now, I did want to tell you that I have completely quit counting the days I de-clutter and, instead, have decided to continue counting how many items we eliminate until we are finished!! We will be initially finished before we move. Then will have to reassess everything we thought we wanted to keep once we are moved onto the boat and see how much/little space we actually have!
As our adventure unfolds, so will our de-cluttering needs . . .

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?