Friday, January 1, 2016

De-clutter~~ 500 Things in 14 Days!!!

Hey there!! Happy New Year to your family from ours!!
I wanted to share with you what we are doing to start off our new year  . . for us 2016 will be a year of major changes . . . one if the biggest will be moving from a 1200 sq ft house onto a boat . . . so, when I saw this challenge on Money Saving Mom's site I just knew it was our answer . .
Between now and January 16, 2016 [i added two (2) days to cover us not sorting on both Sabbath days] Matt and I will be eliminating 500 things from our home . . I did not watch the tutorial video (I am capable of getting rid of things) and neither did I purchase the kit . . instead we are simply tracking each item we get rid of whether trash, items to sell, or items to give away . .
At the end of every day we will post a photo of all we've sorted out!!
And (HUGE added bonus) this will provide  unlimited opportunities for photos of the house as we clear it out, do repairs and deep clean!!!
Please, won't you join us? Here's the link:

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?