Friday, December 11, 2015

Wife Bible Study ~ 2 Samuel 11

Reading on in "Every Woman in the Bible" . . I find it interesting that, after their relationship started so degradingly, they should end up in a caring marriage  . . I have been thinking a lot lately about those who find themselves in a marriage of convenience/necessity  . . . I have wondered how these and arranged marriages can last a lifetime with both partners thoroughly invested, happy and in love . . . 
Hmmm . . . Bathsheba was an amazingly strong woman . . I admire her ability to stick with a situation others would view as doomed. .
I find my situation similar yet dissimilar  . . I have been raped and recovered alone . .
I have lost eight (8) babies to miscarriage and still see that I can have a bright future  (although there was a time that was not so) . . .
I have listened to God's Spirit and am waiting on the man shown to me against what seems like unbeatable odds . . . and, although I must make choices to keep my child and myself safe and provided for, I am also preparing to be his wife when he is ready . . .
And I am praying for him that he may know my heart, be strong in the Lord, see visions of His future for us and feel God's loving arms around him 24/7 . . .
Bathsheba was a remarkable woman . . .
A model of strength and hope for all women. I only hope and pray for a loving marriage for myself totally centered on Christ.

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?