Friday, December 25, 2015

Rambling from the Homestead

A quiet morning and waking early . .
After failing at three different attempts to invite various people Matt and I saw the early (8:45am) showing of the new "Star Wars" alone . . as we sat in the theater it was nice to be just us, but friendly company would have been nice . . .
Of course the drive home was a discussion of the movie, who we each related most to, how it would affect our future . .  . . 
On to foraging for firewood  . . I thought we'd stop by a friend's house and continue helping clear out his unwanted firewood, but, alas, he had extra cars in his drive [Christmas company?] so on we drove . . .
Our next stop was Oakwood Cemetery where we picked up some kindling and spotted a fallen tree on a mausoleum  . .
Free firewood!!!
We will be hauling a few trunk loads home today [prepared for cold weather] . . . 
This extra day off is a huge blessing to our homestead  . . allowing us much needed rejuvenation and time to catch up on so many tasks!!!
I've really been taking a close look at our home from the angle of selling it and seeing it more for what it is. . . . a lot to get done yet, starting with clearing out anything we won't take with us when we move  . . then on to deep deep cleaning and some repairs and painting . .
Matt and I are both getting so excited about moving to a boat and what this new adventure will bring . .

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?