Saturday, December 19, 2015

Day 353/365 ~ Sabbath Day Ramblings . . Thinking it Through . .

     Quilting and praying and listening for His voice . . a break in my car  . . looking deep within for what I need for my future and for service to Him . . so many have opinions and preferences on this matter yet I am the one who must live my life . . hidden tears for losses felt  . . and yet I know those losses made me stronger  . . like the song by Mandissa (?), "Stronger"  . . when you see my tears, see me on my knees, it is NOT weakness~ I getting stronger!!! He knows my heart and my needs . . my biggest fear is for someone to say they love me and want to be with me, then begin to try to change me . . I am me . . I am happy with me as I am, yet slowly making changes to myself as I see fit . . and He is changing me as He sees fit  . . . if someone really cares for me they will care because of my imperfections as we are all imperfect  . . if you hold my failings (as you see them) against me then won't others hold yours against you?
Today I truly enjoyed my chat with Matt about dating and personalities to fit his interests . . it's important to not end up with someone who has no interest in participating in activities he loves . . like dating someone who is always dressed up when he loves to camp, fish and hike!!! I am grateful for a son who really listens to my advice.  . . . this young man makes me proud . .
As I sit warming my legs by the fire and waiting for Matt to come home from church, I am so grateful for all we have . . honestly, most of what we have is spiritual  and that is a true blessing!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?