Friday, November 20, 2015

Wife Bible Study ~ Judges 21

For a tribe to survive there must be wives . .
The Benjamites would have perished had not the other tribes provided wives to them . .
My NKJV Companion Bible:
"25 In those days there was no king in Israel:  every man did that which was right in his own eyes."
Meaning given: "All the evil follows as a result of the disobedience in 1."

So, my thoughts, IMHO, evil in a church/country can cause it to perish fast . . looking at how so many churches and countries no longer truly follow the Word of God makes this clear . . if you look closely at the way the world is crumbling then look at what behaviors are now considered acceptable, the two (2) run parallel  . . look also at churches that only follow the convenient parts of the Bible and notice carefully the state of these churches and how they are changing . . sometimes you have to look very closely to see it, but it is there~ disobedience to His instructions causing evil to creep into His house!!
And for my wife Bible study?
Good to know that God will provide obedient wives to godly men!!

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