Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The "small" Things . .

My day was going along like any other day . . I was doing my work and singing along to my mp3 player  . . making good progress  . .
Then I happened to check my cell phone and saw this:

Love you!!! 11:11

My step grew lighter as this virtual hug from my sweet son wrapped around me warming my heart . .
Where did he get this idea? At the beginning of my worn out 'Eat, Pray, Love' DVD there are movie previews  . . one of the previews is for 'Fireflies in the Garden' . . this preview says that "anytime the clock says 11:11 it reminds me to call my Mom" . . and so, my sweet teen texts at 11:11 whenever he can (without getting in trouble for being on his cell at school) . .
I get this simple text and know I am loved and that my son is thinking of me . .
What more can a mom ask for?

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?