Sunday, November 22, 2015

Swedish Tea Rings

Wow! These turned out beautifully!! That may be partly because the yeast for this batch processed better. Regardless, these sure look and smell "delicious"!!
On the right is the tea ring with vanilla curd and pecan bits. On the left is the tea ring with cherry pie filling and shredded coconut.
My house smells like heaven right now!! This is almost as good as when I cook turkey all night for thanksgiving!!
For coffee cake icing for these two (2) I improvised a bit as I have absolutely no idea how to make diabetic coffee cake icing. In my pantry I had stashed a bottle of sugar free caramel syrup so I combined that with some stevia and heated slowly. It wasn't a desirable consistency so I have to admit I added about three (3) tablespoons of confectioners sugar. This will slightly elevate the amount of sugar per serving, but hopefully not by much. On top of each I sprinkled corresponding nuts, then covered the pans.
I am ready for Tuesday night and our church pre~thanksgiving feast!!
See you there!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?