Saturday, November 21, 2015

Remembering God First

I recently heard a broadcast on Moody Bible Radio (I think Pastor Tony Evans was teaching) about robbing God and still expecting blessings  . . that sermon sure hit home!!   
Although I was, eventually, paying all my tithes I was not paying God first . . I was paying my bills, buying groceries and grabbing supper out ~~ then I'd finally write that check  . . :(
Listening to the radio program I realized what I was doing . . as Tony Evans asked if we would help someone who robs us, I felt very convicted! That was me! I wasn't giving God His tiny 10% before everything else!! No wonder my prayers were being answered sporadically!!!
And so?
When I received my paycheck on the 19th I went straight to the bank and deposited it . . .

I then Immediately wrote a check to my church for my tithes!!
"Obedience Brings Blessings!!!"

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?