Friday, November 6, 2015

Prayer of Jabez~ 1 Chronicles 4:10

On a day of truly feeling less than everyone else I turn to my Bible in my car (thank God for break time!!!) . . .
Reading any passage helps, but this one is awesome!
My focus must be what I need to do for God  . .
I must remember that many take considerable joy in hurting others (what has society one to??) . .  . .
And not let this attitude affect me!!
I am not how they treat me~
I am a beloved child of God  . .
On a mission to please Him more fully . .
I am not just a number, another nobody . .
The number in my Bible reminds me of Throwing Back Starfish . .
And that He has not forgotten me . .
This time is preparation  . .
Growth . .
He does not see me as
• not good enough
• old and senile
• the devil/devil's tool
• hopeless sinner
• any of the other whispered comments

No! He sees me as a child growing and wanting desperately to serve Him more fully!
And I fervently pray He will answer my prayer expediently!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?