Saturday, November 28, 2015

My Head Covering Journey ~ part 11

Good morning!!
Today I attempted to copy the second photo . . (I am in the photo wearing glasses) . . I am referring my search to 1 Corinthians 11:10-15 and wanting to walk my life in obedience to His Word . . .
I was looking up Cherokee head coverings and google added this photo in . . it's a really cute look so I'm going to try a few variations on it until I find one that works for me!!
This morning I pulled this (first photo) together from memory and with only two (2) bandanas so only two (2) colors  . . The bandanas are a bit small for this concept, but I am trying to work with what I have on hand. I am thinking, though, that I may be able to create this flirty layered look using some of my sewing fabric stash and a little creativity. . .
I'll post pics as I go . .

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?