Sunday, November 15, 2015

Keeping Bills Low

Hi! How are you? Me? Well, I'm trying to stay afloat financially.
I've found a really fun method for keeping our utility bills low and thought I would share it with you . . this is quite simple. We are competing with family to see who can have the lowest bills!!! Every time a new bill comes in for water, gas or electric we call relatives to compare bills . . It is so much fun to see who wins each month . . you won't even believe how much fun this game is!!
Now, as Matt and I are both highly competitive, we try to find new ways each month to lower our bills (Must Have Lowest Bills!!!)  . . like using candles and oil lamps instead of turning on lights . . unplugging appliances when not in use . . using grey water from bathroom sink to fill the toilet tank . . .  it all adds up over time!

Here are our latest bills:

$22.11~~ Nicor Gas (heat /hot water)
$30.10~~ ComEd (electric)
$26.14~~ Water

How do yours compare?
Want to compete with us? Enter your bills in the comments below!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?