Sunday, November 1, 2015

Breakfast a la Pantry Surprise ~ Spinach Omelets

Oooo, I found ingredients for yummy omelets: bacon grease, a can of spinach, sharp cheddar cheese, parmesan cheese, corn tortillas  . .
Breakfast cooked slowly as I started coffee and my first load of laundry . . .
A good breakfast before we go into our day!!


  1. That looks so good!

    1. Thank you!! I am trying to be more conscience of eating from food on hand (pantry surprise~ surprise, there's food I the pantry!) instead of wanting to run to the store. The complete rethinking of the pantry setup has really helped with that.
      This breakfast was very satisfying and filling ~~ and super easy to make!!


Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?