Thursday, October 22, 2015

In My War Room . . .

Hello and welcome back! So glad to see you again.
How is your war room coming along? For now mine is simply wherever I am and my prayer list is in my notebook  . . Not an ideal situation, but I don't really have a permanent place I can hang my lists . . . really, if you think about it, where would you have your war room if you hiked across Europe? My guess would be a notebook in your backpack for your lists and a quiet wooded area, maybe by a stream, for your war room!! So, as we are deep in transition mode to sell the house and move on to bigger things God has planned, I keep my lists tucked safely in my notebook  . . and, when I am sitting at my desk or home doing quilting/knitting, I can have my prayer list right in front of me . . the blessing of a portable war room!!

And my current prayers?

• His Will on my life

• bless Matt's wife and my husband and draw them closer to Him

• to receive clear visions and signs on what I should do next

And let me tell you, He had me awake until after 3:00am this morning directing my heart, my feet, my hands . . .
War Room blessings!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?