Saturday, September 19, 2015

What WOULD Jesus Do as "Migrant child dies off Greece, others paddle across from Turkey"?

As we watch this tragic drama unfold daily, as a Christian, I can't help but wonder how Jesus would handle this?
Would a holy war be declared and, as in so many cases, these 'innocent' civilians would lose their lives? To a degree I think so . . but . .
At the point we are at now with the Muslim population invading every land, this is not possible . .
And I remember . .
The woman at the well . . He did not order her killed for being a non-believer . . He quietly and patiently ministered to her . . He reached out to one others would shun and offered Living Water . .
And so, though they may not share our beliefs now, shouldn't we approach them as Jesus would, not with hand-outs of free everything, but with the Love of Christ and our prayers in our individual war rooms  to slowly and quietly lead them to eternal life?

"A girl believed to be five years died on Saturday and 13 other migrants were feared lost overboard after their boat sank in choppy seas off the Greek island of Lesbos, the Greek coastguard said.A second, exhausted group of around 40 people reached..."

Reuters - Saturday, September 19, 2015

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