Sunday, September 13, 2015

My War Room~~ Who to Pray for First??

Who/what to pray for first? With the world such a mess and Matt and I in the process of changing our entire lives there are so many options!! Here's a general idea of where I am starting:
^_~ those who delight in making my life difficult
^_~ preparation to be a good wife someday
^_~ my future husband (no, I don't even have a boyfriend right now) and his family
^_~ Matt's future wife and her family (do you also pray for your children's future spouses and their family??)
^_~ my Pastor and his family
^_~ Matt's dad (my ex-husband)

Tell me, who/what's on your prayer list?


1 comment:

  1. Saw the sign in front if a home church on Herkimer St the day my car was rear-ended and had to take a photo . . knew I'd use it eventually . . today was the day 0:-)


Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?