Monday, September 7, 2015

Doilies by Lucy Jane (Carr) Joyce

Grandma's doilies all sorted to mail to my sisters. I kept back five (5) small doilies for myself as that's all I can really justify taking on the boat.
These are all so amazingly beautiful and each a work of art. You know I wanted them all!! My sisters will enjoy these mementos of Grandma.
And mine? Well I have one (1) set aside to potentially use as a head covering (maybe) for church events only. The four (4) remaining I will turn into a wall hanging. I will post pics of the wall hanging, but am planning to enter it at the Will County Fair next year so you'll have to wait until after judging is finished!!
Maybe I can convince my sisters to post pictures in the comments of how they use their new artistic doilies collection!!
What do you say Ladies??


  1. I hadn't thought of using them as wall hangings. Good idea! I found you through the linky.

    1. Thanks! I'm going to combine a few ideas I saw on facebook. Wish I could post pics sooner, but this court fair competition is serious business, you know?


Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?