Monday, August 3, 2015

Psalm 90:12 Challenge ~~ Day 14/30


As a long day ends I must say current events have really been transformative in helping motivate progress on our journey.  Thinking, praying and talking all this through has led us to take more solid steps toward a perfected future in Him. Now, mind you, I do not mean that our future will be perfect in worldly terms, but in heavenly terms. And that will be true perfection!!
Meanwhile, a contact has been made (only because I followed the lead of the Holy Spirit) and now we are reenergized to go forward!! Matt came home and spent quite a bit of time trimming out back as well as hanging out a load of laundry!! I noticed the spiders (brought on by all the rain) had made tiny webs all over my clean dishes (little stinkers!!), so I went on bleachy-attack-mode!! I put all the dishes back into the sink then I moved the drainer and bleached the counter. After that I bleached every possible side of my dish drained (spider families will take revenge on me tonight)!!!
Attraversiamo~~ Crossing over to the life He has for us~~ deeper service to Him!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?