Monday, August 17, 2015

My First Crazy Quilt

Good evening!! Welcome back.
How are you on this hot Sunday evening? This sure has been a hot sweaty day! Even though I was only doing light sporadic house cleaning today's heat (and humidity?) have been borderline unbearable. Matt and I both got baths earlier but will need quick wash-downs before bed in order to sleep peacefully!!
I've gotten a lot done on my crazy quilt between loads of laundry but didn't take many photos or do much blogging as I had to share my phone with Matt. He did play his favorite game (subway surfers) and did some blogging as well as practicing his French on the  Duolingo app. I don't mind sharing.
A day off for me means a bit of down time to pull my thought together. When I'm doing books at work I really don't have time to think~ it's all about concentrating on making sure all the numbers add up correctly. On the days I'm just cleaning my thoughts are my own. I look out over the city and think about where I live and where I'm headed . . about better ways to homestead  . . . about alternative options for raising our own food. . . it's a bit of free-range thinking!!
Today my thoughts have wandered randomly to the concept of dating. It's like this~ I haven't been in a relationship for over two (2) years and haven't been on a proper date for about ten (10) years!! Oh My Word!!
Seriously, though, I had three guys ask me (and take me) on dates in a month!! Two even had their own vehicle to pick me up!! I know, right?! Crazy concept in Joliet!! I didn't consider any of them worthy of a second date and realized I was attracting the wrong men so I quit dating all together and concentrated on getting my life where I wanted it.
Then I began to be open to dating again but found the only men interested were using me. Apparently the fact that I have a home, car and a job means I want to take in a Joliet "man" to support.
Yeah~ NO!
And so . . I am thinking further outside the box!! Somewhere out there is a decent guy who will love Matt and I as we are and be capable of taking on the responsibility of being a true husband  and father . .
More quilting, homesteading and hanging out with my best hiking buddy!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?