Sunday, July 19, 2015

Psalm 90:12 Challenge ~ Day 1/30

Hi. Have you read the verse? What about associated Bible helps in your study Bible? Today I am using my NKJV Study Bible. (I have several different versions of the Bible as each offers differing opinions/insights into meaning and personal application)
Stopping everything to seriously look at my life and daily activities from the perspective of 'what if I only had a year to live?' has made me stop and think several times today. While recovering from a long work week and intensely high local heat index I am also attempting to catch up laundry and dishes. Add to that Matt needing attention and redirecting him to clean up assorted messes he's created while also having him help to hang out laundry.
I did some Bible study earlier but still need to sit down with Matt for his Bible study (I found something interesting for him).
In the long run, and looking at the one year to live scenario, what of my list matters?
Bible study first
Attention to Matt
Teaching Matt more self-sufficiency skills (PLS)

Tomorrow is another day . .
First things first today . .

Where are you with this challenge?
Please share in the comments below!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?