Sunday, March 15, 2015

Watching "Married at First Sight" Hey . . . So I've finally had a chance to watch this show and I'm intrigued . . . I do truly believe that, if both parties go into a marriage fully intending to really try, a marriage of this sort can be successful . . . I think having similar goals helps as does a similar upbringing . . . Yet I can say that those two (2) don't necessarily help . . . Without a serious drive/will from both the husband and wife to really work at keeping a marriage going, it is doomed from the get-go!! Every year since our trip to Put-in-Bay nine (9) years ago I wished to be married within a year. . . . and, although I dated off/on, I never ended up married . . . . even now I periodically meet a man who appears to be headed down the same road I am . . . And I wonder . . . "if we just trusted our instincts and mutual attraction could we get married then be mature and take care of each other?"

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?