Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Day 77/365 It's a blessed day waking to homestead life with a sweet boy (can I still call my 6'2" 14-year-old a boy??) . . . although he was hit on the back of the head with a hockey stick in gym yesterday, he still woke sweet, loving and ready to take on the world!
A quick trip to McDonald's drive-thru for a hearty breakfast for each of us and dropping him off at school . . . hearing him wonder aloud why his friend wasn't already in line outside with the rest of the teens who arrived early . . . there is something special about hearing what a teen/child really thinks . . . Matt says this cloud looks like the one from "Independence Day" . . . in looking at the overall form, I mentioned at least it doesn't look like a HAARP ring . . Matt says it might be a HAARP ring, but we're not in the middle . . . (middle is Bad)
Heading to work and still noticing this funky/wonky cloud . . .
At work a half hour early . . quiet time to sit in my car in a favorite spot, sew and pray . .. As this week progresses I realize more and more that we need a simpler life . . . we have really cut back quite a bit, but there's always one more option to consider . . . it seems to me, IMHO, that there are some really viable options to majorly cut our expenses/bills . . . it is definitely time to put more positive changes into place as we prepare for the future we want . . . What are you doing today to secure your future?

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?