Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Day 70/365 A French braid and a busy day . . . staying active makes the hours fly by!!
Took Matt to his doctor appointment, picked up his prescription and stopped at McDonald's for a break . . . Then home for baths and a quiet evening . . . with that weird earache and sore throat still battling for control of my life, I am perpetually exhausted. . . .
Reading Hebrews 13 and thinking/praying about our future . . . as I look toward our future plans it is crucial we find a place where we are accepted and welcome as who we are, but also will be able to continue growth on the path He has us on . . . But also, I look at my future alone as Matt grows up . . . . I must prepare for being able to care for myself as I age . . . although Matt says he'll always take care of me, I know he will eventually marry and need privacy to start his own family (and a daughter-in-law may not be very welcoming of an achy old lady). . . . . I want to have myself completely set up to be self-sufficient until I am quite old . . . it would be amazing to have a sweet guy with similar goals to mine begin to actively court me . . . But, reality right now is guys who are just my friends and I need to move forward with my plans as though I will be alone a while . . . Pray, then plan for the worst and trust God to work it all out for the best!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?