Thursday, January 29, 2015

My Head Covering Journey ~ Part 8

Good morning! Glad to see you again!!
I wanted to share with you a bit about my Christian head covering journey . . why I'm doing this and where I'm at. The reason for this journey is  simply a need to be obedient to my Lord. As any child I delight in pleasing my parent  . . and .  isn't our Heavenly  Father  the most  awesome parent  in the world?!?!?!
I think covering my hair is such a simple request, it's very difficult to explain away disobedience. And yet, I can be quite disobedient. I've gone quite  while now with no covering  . . . not even during public or private prayer. And I know my bad behavior hurts God's  heart.
On Saturday  evening  I sat on my bed contemplating my shelf of head coverings. All sorts of hats, snoods, scarves and bandanas sat congested on my shelf and mocked me. I had taken so much care to choose  styles and colors I liked then caved under pressure from criticism of those not directly responsible for my personal Biblical walk. I wimped out, plain and simple. No excuses and no one to blame but myself. A mix of continued bullying from several sources and a struggle to keep the coverings from slipping off my hair, keep my hair inside and deal with a covering while going through summer's he's exhaustion seemed to be more than I could take.
Now, knowing I don't need to cover my hair fulltime  until I remarry I am free to try different coverings and ways to anchor securely (without the use of Gorilla Glue!) without feeling compelled to wear it every time I step out of my home. This realization gives me a bit of a reprieve as i sort through my stash of coverings and try anchoring options.
This picture is the (hand knit by me) snood I wore yesterday. I received compliments and a request for me to make one for a sweet lady. Those reactions are helpful, as positivity always is.
I am also thinking about the need to cover during prayer and want to reread those Bible passages. I have an idea for a simple solution that will look like an adorable fashion statement (actually saw someone else had same idea too). I plan to work on prototypes soon and am excited to see others thinking along the same lines!!
This journey of obedience can be  difficult  as it's requiring me to step outside mainstream religion and truly follow Biblical  teachings. Most people don't seem to want to hear about a God who saves by grace then expects obedience. They want to be saved then do whatever they want. My attempts to be as obedient as possible cause way more stress than is necessary in the lives of those who don't even live with me. And their stress over my obedience causes taunting, bullying, rumors . . .  It does make my walk more difficult, but also blesses me as He rewards me for proceeding forward even in the face of such harsh opposition on account of following Him.
And so . . ?
I will continue with my head covering journey and studying to be pleasing to Him.
My faithfulness will be blessed.


  1. That is a very nice snood. I have put an elastic band around the edge to keep it a little more tight and keep it from slipping off (almost like wearing a headband). I am finding it fascinating that so many Christian women are picking up on what has mainly been a Jewish tradition. I like it! During the summer, instead of wearing the knit covering it's easy to braid your hair, pin it up, and then cover your head with a cotton scarf.

    1. Thank you!! I think many Christian women are returning to the roots of our faith/ the way He really wants us to live. I am currently putting a little clippy in my hair close to my forehead to anchor the snood (my version of the Amish method) then I use bobby pins just above my ears. Adequate so far, but too for improvement.


Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?