Saturday, January 3, 2015

Dqy 3/365

Snow has turned to rain . .
Sent from my T-Mobile Android device


  1. Hi! I feel I know you quite well from reading your blog for so long and I think you would be a wonderful rabbit owner. And I think you would like them. They're fun. They have personalities. They're just so great.
    To let you know what you would be getting into: Rabbits need room to run. They are not cage animals. That doesn't mean they have to have run of the whole house. They can. But I have my current bunny, Thor the Thunderbunny, living in my (the master) bedroom during the day and then he spends the night in the walk-in closet.
    They're more work than a cat, less than a dog. They can be litter trained. But they need a lot of love and attention. Rabbits can actually die from loneliness. So, they need to be in a high traffic area. Lots of petting.
    The other thing is that they want to chew on everything. If you love your baseboards, a rabbit may not be the best pet. But mostly you have to be careful because they like to eat electric cords. So, you have to bunny-proof the bunny area. It can be done. Cord covers solve it, but it's a pain.
    Now, I could go on and on about how cool rabbits are. But this is getting really long, so just trust me they just are.
    If you want I bunny, I suggest adoption. If you are willing to drive up to Chicago, I HIGHLY recommend The Red Door Animal Shelter. They are wonderful! They will help you with everything need to know.
    Also there is The House Rabbit Society.
    Both of which have their adoptable bunnies on
    If you would like to adopt an angora, there is the Midwest Angora Rabbit Rescue.
    If you have any questions at all, just let me know.

    1. Awesome resource links! Thank you!! Okay, I'm thinking the family room is the best location as has concrete floor. Nice and cool in the summer. The wood stove is out there, but the room doesn't overheat. I can stash the cords for washing machine and TV easily. It's a high traffic area, so the bunnies will get plenty of attention. Also, we still have the chicken run, so they would have a raccoon-proof outdoor playpen. Maybe they could spend much of the summer out back as we sleep in our tent most nights in the summer.
      I won't be ready for a month or two as I want everything in place before we adopt.
      Wonder if there are certain crops we should plant. . . Hmmm . . . ?

    2. Mostly bunnies eat Timothy Hay. Lots of Timothy Hay! And then I like to give them a bowl of greens once a day. All lettuces, except Iceberg, are good. And for treats they really love herbs.

  2. I haven't written in to tell what I am doing to show I care for a long time. What I have been doing is leaving an abusive marriage. Because I finally decided to care about myself.

    1. Good for you!!! That's a Huge step!! I was in a verbally and physically abusive marriage and totally understand your pain and the deep inner strength it take to get out. I know you'll be fine and God will show you a whole new world where He needs you to reach out to more of His children in the same situation.

    2. Thank you so much. I've been amazed by not only the wonderful support I've gotten, but also by how many people have been in similar situations. And I have decided to speak out as much as I can. It's something we don't talk about and I think that is a big part of the problem. I'm going to talk and help as much as I can.


Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?