Sunday, January 25, 2015

Day 25/365

Good morning  . . . It's always morning in our world as a fresh start is always possible!
How is your Sunday going? For us it is a day of rest and catch-up  . . . Rest because we are home and safe . . . And we are working hard to catch up laundry, dishes, hauling in firewood, as well as other numerous chores. . . We've done our obligatory newspaper run retrieving a Joliet Herald News as well as Chicago Sun Times . . . The Herald is cheaper, but the Times has amazing articles . . . . I continue to tape interesting articles to the bathroom walls so Matt will see this information  . . . .
Our fire's roaring and Matt's been great about hauling in wood, kindling and tinder so we'll be warm without  running the furnace!
Okay, time for me to check on laundry then bill paying . . .  then I need to try to finish Miss Nannette's pretty pink pinafore!!
      Busy . . .

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?