Monday, November 3, 2014

Check out my RunKeeper activity~ Exploring Pilcher Park

I just completed an activity with RunKeeper http://ddrunke

Good morning and welcome back! I just want to share with you about our adventure in the woods yesterday (note: this will take several posts as I took so many interesting photos!!).
Our adventure took place in Pilcher Park at a site that only recently became available to explore. Previously this site had been privately owned, but, way before that, it had been the site of the riding stables for the park.
A lot of history here. Also many rumors and mysteries abound concerning the previous owner and activities at the site. I can tell you that, although it's very peaceful there deep in the woods, it's also very creepy. As I don't know how much truth surrounds the urban legends about this place I won't share those here, but leave it up to you to explore the area, ask questions and decide for yourself. Please, come back and comment on the photos and share a few of your own. Let us know what you decide.

Sent fm my T-Mobile Android dievice

1 comment:

  1. In calling Pilcher Park Nature Center, I've found out that the property is still privately owned, and that Pilcher Park has applied for a grant allowing the park to purchase the property and dwvelope it for public access.
    Although this property is exceptionally unique to explore, the staff are requesting that we try to wait until the purchase is final to explore further as we need to respect the privacy of the current owners.


Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?