Sunday, February 23, 2014


For a time I lost sight of what I was waiting for... I seemed to be floundering, just lost for which direction to go...
Should I just marry to marry? No..
Should I sell my house and move to an apartment? No..
Should I sell my house and buy a store with an apartment above it? No..
I am at the place I right here and now simply because this is where He needs me to be to go forward to the next place He is sending me!
And where am I now???
I am in a place of starting many small small home businesses...
I am in a place of getting my physical house back in order (I will blog this later so stop back)...
I am in a place of realizing I should not change who I am to make anyone happy. That He loves me just the way I am~ long un-cut hair, skirts, funky bandanas, snoods, leg warmers and all. After all, I am who He made me to be!
I am 'waiting for the man who would do anything to be my everything.'
I am learning to just be...

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?