Saturday, February 8, 2014

Me~ Day 128

Okay, so 39 days into 2014 I've finally decided on a word for me for this year. Actually I pretty much decided weeks ago, but needed to pray on it for a while.
That is my word.
I need to both be deliberate in everything I think say and do as well as to deliberate all decisions carefully!
Tonight I am organizing all my Bible study notes as safe keeping toward future study. I was taught you should look up every verse from sermons and classes, reading the whole chapter, at minimum, for each in order to assure you're receiving proper instruction.
I am also going through my various headcoverings and have come up with what I think will be a really cute option! Yea!!!
At this point it's become blatantly obvious I won't be remarried, so I absolutely must carefully, Deliberately plan for my future. What do I want to do for the rest of my life combined with what God has for me? Coffee shop? Rooming house? Hobby farm?

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?