Saturday, February 15, 2014

Cavities from Prenatal Medications?

I'm quite familiar with these. I've been battling cavities all my life.
I was born with weak teeth. My teeth were yellow when they first came in. The enamel is very thin to non-existant.
Years ago, 1995, I went to a dentist in Toledo, OH who told me the only possible cause of my dental problems was my Mom taking DES prenatally. I found that interesting as she has mentioned DES many times, sometimes that she took it, sometimes that her frien did. It was a drug prescribed for morning sickness in the 1960's.
The results of DES prenantally?
Yellow teeth
Thin, fragile enamel
'Lucky' me, I have all of the above!
And, the dentist told me, the only way to protect my poor fragile teeth is to brush six (6) times a day with a soft bristle tooth brush!
And so, life got crazy and I allowed others to dictate when I was 'allowed' to brush~ I am reaping the rewards of this.
Nothing a good dentist and a Lot of money can't fix!!!

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?