Friday, January 17, 2014

Knitting and Relaxing...

Such a nice day today and hoping yours was the same! I lay awake most of the night thinking and just enjoying being home, then Matt woke at 5:30am after a dream the Mummy was sreaming at him. After explaining the whole dream and his interpretation he decided to make it an early morning, get dressed and eat breakfast while watching 'Journey 2 Mysterious Island'.
I must admit I tried hard for about 15 minutes to go back to sleep before starting coffee and heading for the bathtub. Ah, a hot bath. Now that's nice!
After my sojourn into luxury I ran two (2) loads of laundry, washed a few dishes and got Matt onto the school bus before leaving for work!
Work was, well.... Work.
After work I delivered almost all my Avon brochures, ran two (2) more loads of laundry, made yummy cheesy spaghetti, set up coffee for morning and washed a load of dishes!
Okay, so now is Mommy and Matthew time (except he's busy w/ remote control car). I'll knit a bit, then off to dreamland!
Goodnight, all!!!

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?