Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Joshua 24:15~ Make a Choice!

As I sit tonight sifting through a year's worth of Bible study notes and randomly pulling some out to read, this verse jumped out at me. It was from a presentation on '1000 Marbles' and really made me think about how my life choices appear to my son... How important it is that he see in me that service to the Lord is where our hearts should be. It was a relief to hear that he does see that in my daily walk.
Knowing that we have approximately 1000 weeks with our children from birth until they move out, and these weeks go by all too quickly, it is so critical that our daily walk, as parents, be honorable and wholesome. As we move forward, I need to see to it that Matt and I use our time together wisely whether attending church, cleaning the house, hiking in parks or camping out back!
Every day our lives should reflect Joshua 24:15

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?