Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Good morning, all! Greetings and blessings from our homestead.
With all the rain and sunshine our snow is almost completely gone. A slight feel/ hope for spring lingers in the heart of most despite the renewed cold air.
Inside the homestead I am still exhausted and recovering from that odd sinus thing I had. Matt, ever the good sport, is a huge help and always ready with an hysterical song and dance to lift the spirits on a moment's notice!
As I wait for Matt's bus I am wishing I could crawl back in my bed and snuggle down into my layers of soft fluffy comforters for a day of deep peaceful slumber...
Meanwhile...? I have a day of rent books to balance and bank deposits to prepare... A day of desk work, meticulously done for detail, accuracy and neatness, followed by an early night tonight, may be just what the doctor ordered!
Be safe and well, folks!!!

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?