Thursday, December 26, 2013

Acts 2:1-21

As my sinuses have finally cleared (as much as they ever will), I am back to my Bible study!
I am going back and rereading notes I took on a hand-out from October 16, 2013 concerning Acts 2:1-21. I have found recently that my prayer life had fallen apart. I used to pray/ chat with God all day. What happened to that closeness? I honestly can't say when or why it changed, but I have begun to restore our former close relationship. Today, as I was mopping, I took time to begin to open up to God~ to let Him back into my life~ to quit trying to do it all on my own.
Now is the time for me to begin new (restore old) discipline in my life.
Four points from Evan Roberts to show God you're serious:
"1. You must confess every known sin to God. Make right every wrong done to man.
2. You must remove every doubtful habit from your life.
3. You must obey the whispers of the Holy Spirit promptly.
4. You must go public with your witness for Christ."

So I will walk with and for Him.

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?