Friday, December 6, 2013

-10F Windchill in Joliet?!

Well, hi there! Welcome back! Hope you're staying warm as arctic air descends upon us!
This morning, as I was disinfecting these doors with Mr Clean, the Mr Clean was freezing on the insides of the doors! It was 19F, so warmer than right now (15F) and what it will be later (10F with a windchill of -10F!).
This severe arctic blast concerns me as so many are homeless right now. I can't even imagine trying to sleep outside in this weather. Add to that the fact that shelters have been at capacity with waiting list for years now and many many homeless are children,
Yes, C H I L D R E N!
I can't tell you how many homeless families I see every day as I drive to work. Moms with four (4) or more small children piled in and walking beside a stroller as they begin their day on the streets.
Can you even imagine caring for your children without even a space at a shelter? Bathing in public bathroom sinks?
What can you do to help??!

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?