Sunday, November 24, 2013

Warming Hands

Matt's been out front clearing the leaves from our front patio and decided to take a break and cozy up to the wood stove! Today I've swept and mopped this area... As well as tring to come to terms with the fact that we do not have sufficient wood to get us through the winter. Although grateful for the new fuel-efficient furnace, I would, obviously, use free firewood and keep my money in my pocket!!
Right now, with minimal effort, and having left the house for over an hour, the thermostat reads 57F and is not set to come on until it falls below 55F. At this rate we will be toasty soon and the furnace will stay off all day!!
Hope Nicor gas has a back-up plan to pay it's bills because I'm sure not going to pay them this year!!!

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?