Saturday, November 16, 2013

Me~ Day 43

Today has been a good day and I can say I'm truly blessed. Matt and I are watching 'Rise of the Apes' as he plays with his 3ds and I knit. The arthritis in some of my fingers is getting so bad that I'm going to have to slow down on my knitting as well as keep my stress low. This morning I awoke in extreme pain again and it took way too long to get it to subside. I'm not sure it was just the knitting this time as I didn't knit much yesterday. I was, however, really stressed and may very well have slept with my hands tightly clenched in fists. That causes way worse pain than the knitting.
Tonight I went back on my poke berry regimen. Soon the pain will cease. Wonder if it will help with the swelling? Know it won't help with the way one finger is beginning to twist and contort itself.
As long as I can still work and knit all will be okay.
God has a reason for this too.
I must trust in Him!

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?