Sunday, October 27, 2013

Joy Dare~ October 2013

18th~ a gift shared, saved, surrendered~~
respect; dignity; control
19th~ 3 gifts unexpected~~
kind word; gentle smile; cooperation
20th~ 3 gifts unconventional~~
focusing quietly through all activities
21st~ 3 gifts undervalued~~
family time; tranquil home; following His plan
22nd~ a gift silent, still, strong~~
neighborhood; problems; resolve to obey Him
23rd~ 3 gifts begun~~
new hat; firmer rules; new hope
24th~ 3 gifts accomplished~~
visit with a dear friend; family time; bit of housework
25th~ 3 gifts enjoying~~
roaring fire; visiting a friend; home time
26th~ 3 gifts extravagant~~
His love; his emails; His will on my life
27th~ a gift humbling, honoring, happy~~
visit w/ Del covers all three (3)

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?