Thursday, October 17, 2013

Joy Dare~ October 12- 17

12th~ a gift small, smaller, smallest~~
her sweet little smile; his cooperation; our humble lunch
13th~ 3 gifts read~~
story of Esther in preschool; sweet text messages from dear friends; Avon orders
14th~ 3 gifts said~~
Matt agreeing to sweep my office And crush his accumulated aluminum cans; get to do books today; 'Thank you, God, for a mom who takes care of me.'
15th~ 3 gifts re-read~~
Luke 4:14-21 (over and over)
16th~ 3 gifts burning~~
passion to serve; desire to please Him; hope for all He has for me
17th~ 3 gifts ugly-beautiful~~
work; washing dishes; being a single mom

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?